MDF Rose Engine Lathe 2.0
Controls Kit Options - ELFOS
Supply Chain Shortage

We are currently unable to purchase the Teensy 3.5 & 3.6 microcontrollers due to them not being available from PJRC. Communications with PJRC are that these microcontrollers will not be available until a later date ... if at all.

I have a limited number of Teensy 3.2s which can be used in lieu of the Teensy 3.5. Using the Teensy 3.2, I am able to keep the cost the same, despite other costs increasing.

Ordering Information

Order Assembled 5-axis ELFOS Kit with Teensy 3.2 $ 1,500

Upgrade Your Pololu Tic Drive Kit to 5-axis ELFOS with Teensy 3.2 $ 1,150

Key Notes:
  1. The parts listed in other kits are not included in this kit.
  2. Price shown does not include taxes nor shipping.

The kit includes everything needed to drive and synchronize the motion between 5 axes using stepper motors:

  1. spindle (this stepper motor is attached to a bracket which gets installed in the lathe's headstock),
  2. Z axis (often used for stepper motors on the cross slide or for a curvilinear slide),
  3. X axis (often used for stepper motors on the cross slide),
  4. M3 axis (a configurable axis, often used for a rosette phaser/multiplier), and
  5. M4 axis (a configurable axis, often used for a spherical slide).

ELFOS uses a touch screen to control the activity.

It also allows for using limit switches to stop movement when the desired cut has been achieved.

ELFOS comes as two parts: a case which fits neatly below (or beside) the lathe's bed, and a touch screen connected to the case via a long cord (plus the spindle drive stepper motor and gears).

This system is based on:

Items Not Included in this Kit
  1. The spindle pulley flange is not included in this kit. It is the same one as used on the base kit for many years. If you need one, it can be purchased separately from us.
  2. Stepper motors for X, Z, M3, and M4 axes
  3. Limit switches
  4. An indicator lamp for auxilliary function

Kit Contents

Assembled electrical items are programmed and tested with the stepper motor.

This kit can also be used with an original MDF Rose Engine. (The MDF box will have to sit to the side or behind the lathe.)

Assembled Electrical Items in Base Box

What about the Teensy 4.1?
The Teensy 4.1 is not supported by ELFOS at this time. When the software can support that Teensy, this system's hardware is expected to also support it.
Why have we changed from recommending the Nextion 4.3”.
The Nextion 4.3” is still supported; however the Nextion 7” display is so much easier to use, and it offers some options for Ed to exploit in the increased display size.
What about the Nextion 5”?
The Nextion 5” is also still supported; however few people use it so support may not continue over time. Also, we do not have any 3D print designs for those displays.

Assembled Electrical Items in HMI Display Box

Mechanical Items

Uprading from the Pololu Tic Drive?

If you have the Spindle-Only Stepper Motor Control Kit, this upgrade will replace the controls to be an ELFOS.

Printed circuit boards (PCBs), Teensys, & Nextions: Which One to Use for ELFOS?

PCB V003

If you choose to build your own ELFOS, you should consider the directions being pursued as we move forward with new versions of ELFOS. It is recommended that you getting started begin with:

Starting with ELFOS version 3.0.8, the hardware which is supported has changed. The items recommended above are highlighted in the table below in  green .

ELFOS Version PCB Teensy Support
3.2 3.5 3.6 4.1
& prior
4 Axis Yes Yes Yes no
5 Axis Yes Yes Yes no
& later
4 Axis no Yes Yes no
5 Axis no Yes Yes no


ELFOS Version Teensy Nextion Support
Enhanced Intelligent
4.3” 5” 7”
& prior
3.2 Yes Yes* Yes*
3.5 Yes Yes* Yes*
3.6 Yes Yes** Yes**
4.1 no no no
& later
3.2 no no no
3.5 no Yes* Yes*
3.6 no Yes** Yes**
4.1 no no no

*   The 5-axis PCB is recommended

** The 5-axis PCB is strongly recommended.